Ramon Arias | November 14, 2016
Christians finally woke up to the reality of how evil the Clintons are, and they put apathy away; they prayed and voted en masse. Without the born-again and evangelical vote, Trump would not have won. What motivated Christians to vote? The promise of putting conservative pro-life judges in the Supreme Court in a very strategic move to reverse the damage done to the nation by activist judges.
The increasing intolerance and hatred against Christians in America grew exponentially under the Obama administration. Hillary, at the Women of the World Summit in April 2015 told Christians to accept the changing times and adjust their religious convictions and beliefs systems on abortion. Translation: America must turn away from biblical ethics or else.
Trump committed to reverse the Johnson Amendment that silences the church pulpits from speaking the truth about a candidate’s moral stand on social issues. Two more promises he made were to defund Plan Parenthood and overturn Roe vs. Wade that has claimed the lives of approximately 60 million unborn babies in this country since January 1973. Christians, who understood the importance of having an opportunity to rebuild the nation by going back to America’s original foundation, came out to vote in a big way and gave Trump 81% of their vote. Catholics voted for Trump at the rate of 52%.
Is Donald J. Trump going to fulfill his campaign promises? Soon we will find out. In the past, born again Christians have put the Republican agenda on the winning side only to find out later that they were betrayed, big time, like many times before.
What we must not lose sight of are the lessons learned; the power of earnest, sincere and diligent prayer can change things. Yes, intercessory prayer was the most important factor in this election. One the mainstream media will never acknowledge. The majority of Christians understood the seriousness of the 2016 elections and mobilized in doing what they know works against all the odds and impossibilities: Humbling before God through fasting, prayer, and action can get God’s attention, and He will answer prayers made according to His will.
This time around, Christians understood God’s handwriting on the wall and what a Clinton presidency meant for Christianity. It would mean an increase of Obama’s policies with more laws against the traditional family, Christian faith, the onslaught on the unborn, and dismantling America’s biblical foundation. Christians got on their knees and cried out to the Lord.
Vice President-elect, Mike Pence, consistently called Christians to pray, citing 2 Chronicles 7:14, throughout the campaign, reminding Christian America that we needed to bend our knees, humble before God to pray and confess our sins, and turn from our wicked ways so God could forgive us and heal our land. His call was not unheeded; before he actually made the call for prayer the nation had already begun this powerful task.
Intercessory prayer was mobilized throughout the country and the world pleading to Almighty God for the future of the United States to be delivered from the power of cultural darkness. The Christian Daystar Television with 400 million potential views worldwide pleaded for prayers on behalf of America, and we certainly felt them. Christians around the world understood what was at stake for Christianity if Hillary was elected. Was this Divine intervention? Yes, God has not changed!
The left in this country lost in a big way and is sensing a set back after 50 years of great gains. They never waste time and immediately began their protest and violent manifestations, letting us know what they have in mind for the next four years. Obviously, by not accepting the election results, now they have a new mantra “Trump is not our president.” What they are saying is, there is only one acceptable agenda going “forward” and it is “not yours” and “we don’t care that you won and we will impose our ways.” That is what they are declaring in no uncertain terms.
If you think the mainstream media is going to lie down and accept the election results, think again. Rest assured they are regrouping to put their machinery in full gear to continue their misinformation and manipulation through their unrelenting indoctrination of social engineering. They were severely beaten by a handful of honest journalists who exposed the corruption of an unethical media. Those in the media were beaten at their dirty game by using other outlets like social media that kept the facts moving amongst millions of the “uneducated class” that proved to be, by far, more highly educated and fed up with the ruling class.
It is vital to say that a battle was won but not the war. Hillary was exposed to be the most corrupt politician ever to run for the highest office in the land, but make no mistake, her losing the presidency does not mean that the culture of wickedness in America is defeated yet. Biblical Christians and patriots have many battles to fight on all fronts and at all levels of civil government, education, media, special interest groups that are only interested in power and money and so much more that we have to reconstruct. This election taught us the importance of engagement and to not crumble under the pressure of name-calling, physical attacks, threats on our lives and all kinds of evil hurdles thrown at us. Our guard must be up at all times and more than ever engage in our communities, counties, states and school boards. God’s people must prayerfully consider running for public office to make the difference.
We must be proactive and vigilant, as Christians, we cannot withdraw from the responsibility that is clearly now upon our shoulders. We prayed and asked for an opportunity, a chance to turn the nation around and God has granted it; now we must work like never before and fulfill our part. Our commitment is expected to be without “compromise.” Not even with Trump in office and his unyielding under pressure will we be safe. We must hold all elected officials accountable; this is part of our job, they are not the government, with God’s help and guidance, we are.
Above all, we must never forget that we were purchased and we are not our own. We have our marching orders and have a special mission in this nation and the world:
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV)
“You were bought with a price; do not become bondservants of men.” 1 Corinthians 7:23 (ESV)
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:1-2 (ESV)