Ramon Arias | November 9, 2016
“Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!” Psalm 34:3 (ESV)
We join the Psalmist today in this expression.
The Wall Street Journal, November 9, 2016, had this heading: Evangelicals Back Donald Trump in Record Numbers, Despite Earlier Doubts, More than 80% of white evangelical and born-again Christians voted for Mr. Trump, according to exit polls.
God heard the prayers of His people collectively and reminds us that we are still the majority in this nation and we can make the difference. That is the great revelation of this election, whether the people or the world understand it or not, that’s what matters. God has mercifully given us an opportunity to work hard for the real greatness of this nation and the world as we focus on duplicating and superseding the impact of the Protestant biblical Reformation of the 16th century, as its 500th anniversary (1517-2017) approaches on October 31, 2017. It was an outstanding event in human history that should never have ended.
Read the editorial I wrote on Nov. 6th titled: “November 9th Will Reveal If We Are a Wise or Foolish People” if you haven’t read it already.
The road ahead is going to be a great challenge. This electoral victory demands all hands on deck with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The healing of the nation can only be a reality as we work to bring others to the salvation in Christ and we all obey His moral law to begin the restoration of this country. It is the only restoration that is vital for society.
Let us not lose sight that, first and foremost, our loyalty is to the Godhead whose grace and mercy continues to give us the opportunity to be included in His divine master plan. Let us continue to pray as hard and smart as we did for these elections in the days to come. Now we are going to navigate very dangerous waters that are ahead of us, but God has given us His message, He is for us!
Let us take this courage and continue to press on how we can glorify God and how we can be better equipped to do His will here on earth as it is in heaven.