Prayer is Equal Access to God

Nena Arias | October 14, 2019

What is this phenomenon of prayer? The concept of prayer has always fascinated me. Just to think that all ordinary human beings, righteous and unrighteous, have access to Almighty God any time, day or night, is mind-boggling to me. The thought that God would value us enough to let us address him and come into his presence to talk with us, has got to be the greatest privilege of all. Think about it, he is the ultimate power in all of the universe, and he can make anything happen, providing it is according to his will. Even the negative things he will work for good.

There is nothing too hard for God, and if you have faith, all things are possible. It doesn’t matter if you or I cannot see a way possible to resolve our problems he makes a way because he is the way maker. He helps us transform our lives in the born-again experience. He heals, delivers from bondage, and opens doors even when they seem sealed tight. God is loving and has marvelous plans for his children that we can’t  imagine, and which we can access through the knowledge of his Word, obedience to the same, and prayer.  God’s Word and prayer will bring blessings and fine tune us to hear his voice.

Prayer can break curses and guide us to overcoming demonic forces that influence and guide to idolatry, addictions and all kinds of bondage. Prayer also breaks generational curses, alcohol and drunkenness, damage of sexual abuse, rebellion, pride and even the contamination of witchcraft. Prayers are powerful. Matthew 18:18 tells us, Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Prayers can join heaven and earth just like Jesus said in his prayer, “Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10).

As you become practiced at prayer and see its powerful effects and answers, your heart and faith are encouraged to believe God for anything and everything. You will discover that God wants you to live healthy and disease free. And if you do happen to suffer with illness and disease, he will give you understanding to work it all for your good to develop character in you and to increase your faith and to bring your loved ones closer together. There’s nothing like the prayer of faith.

There are many kinds of prayer for every need and occasion such as repentance, confession, steps of obedience, faith, and of course, praise, worship and thanksgiving. Always expect God to answer when you pray because he doesn’t know how to fail those who are sincere, obedient and trust him.

Indeed, prayer is powerful and gives us free access to Almighty God. Mere words cannot express the value of prayer, and to discover its worth, it must be experienced. It’s never too late to start. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” (James 5:16).
