Reclaiming the Original Design of America

Nena Arias | September 29, 2014


The United States of America became the most powerful nation in all of human history. How did it happen? What is the secret? How did the early settlers and colonists govern themselves before the U.S. Constitution? 

We could elaborate on this subject enough to write a book but keeping it in a nutshell, the citizenry as well as all public servants at every level who truly want America to survive and thrive again must bring back the principles that gave it its greatness in the first place, because principles are eternal and God will always honor them and those who implement them: “If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” Psalms 37:23-24

Keeping the above passage in mind, every piece of legislation must pass the grid of the manual that the early settlers followed, the Bible.

The following points are vital changes to set us free from the slavery that now threatens our lives from our very own civil government. Being controlled by power hungry men and women was never God’s plan for the human race and America, and no other nation in human history received that foundation in it’s original design to accomplish true freedom and prosperity God’s way. Consider the following plan that the early settlers and colonists implemented, and that must happen here and now, if we are going to avoid total collapse:

  • Four basic principles that characterized this new country were: self-governance, personal responsibility, free enterprise and volunteer charity groups. The early settlers knew that no amount of laws could rule the heart of sinful men if they chose to break them.  Only fearing God and knowing we will have to give an account for all of our actions to Him is what can keep us in check. Accepting personal responsibility and not expecting others to take care of you when you can do it yourself is honoring to all.  The free enterprise system is a genuine incentive to keep people motivated and God’s way for every person to use their God-given talents and abilities to glorify their Creator. The generated prosperity, coupled with compassion to serve our fellowmen through volunteer charity groups, will free us from government dependency as we lend a helping hand to those in need.
  • We must be diligent about finding ways to decentralize power, meet basic needs of education and welfare at the level of family and church.
  • We must roll back the reach of federal government powers; resist government handouts, grants, subsidies, and bond funding at our local and state government levels and in our businesses.
  • We need to demand reform in money and banking, end private-public partnerships and government contracts.
  • Decentralize and privatize the court system, decentralize the military, and end rule by executive orders.
  • As long as we are looking to Washington, DC and Washington’s Constitution (in any era) to accomplish these fundamental goals, we will not advance one inch because Washington, DC stands for and always has stood for just the opposite in each of these areas (with minor exceptions).

No one has a greater responsibility to carry out this plan than all those who claim to be of the Christian faith in our country. Our commission is to go and disciple the nations, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,” Matthew 28:19. It is time to get to work in social, political, and economic areas, and this means thinking differently than we have in the past. This requires a plan. But a plan requires that we properly understand the problem we must solve. If we cannot be honest first about where things went wrong, chances are we will not be able to chart the proper path forward.
