Rissa Arias

Ramon Arias | December 2, 2013

Now that atheists have begun “church services for atheists” in London they are exporting the practice to the United States of America, Canada and Australia. However, they cannot help themselves but to imitate Christian assemblies in the way they conduct their services.  They celebrate life, listen to speakers’ dissertations on a variety of sermon-like messages, they sing, play music, have readings, and many other interactions like Christian services do. 

In an ABC News interview with Sanderson Jones, one of the founders of this movement, he stated the idea and purpose behind imitating Christian assemblies was to:

“[D]o something like a church for people who don’t believe in God… Life is such a wonderful thing to have been given — and frankly, it’s as transcendent as any one god. We come from nothing and go to nothing and in between we have these short glazing moments of awareness and consciousness to love and sing and mess up and try again. We should celebrate it.” 1

Let’s see, this atheist movement professes to be godless but according to the article it acknowledges that they must imitate Christian churches in their rituals for marriage, birth and death with their respective funerals? How interesting that they cannot come up with anything atheistically original and find it necessary to borrow from historic Christianity in order to fulfill their purpose of earthly existence.

Jones affirmed that, “Life is such a wonderful thing to have been given — and frankly, it’s as transcendent as any one god.” Wait a minute, he is contradicting himself by declaring that everything that exists comes from nothing and will end in nothing! Yet, he admits that life is wonderful and was given. Question, who or what gives life? How can nothing be the giver of life? How does human life transcend if it is nothing made from nothing? If his view of life is confusing he is not alone, not only in the world of atheism but also for the skeptic and, for the most part, the mere “Christian religious” view. 

Since the dawn of human history people have borrowed from God’s revealed principles for life. Conventional atheism does not believe in moral absolutes.  In their worldview there is no right or wrong and yet they cannot help themselves but to borrow everything from God’s revealed truth, The Scriptures, in order to make some sense of human development and social laws for their brand of world order. 

The interview with Jones ends with the following statement:

“People who go to church are healthier, wealthier, live longer and are happier, …One of the best things about church is that it is a safe place for everyone and appeals to people with families as well.” 2

If it sounds too familiar with what statistics say about what Christian churches offer, that’s because it is. Atheist churches offer the same rituals as Christian churches but with a godless flavor and they will find plenty of unsatisfied Christians who will buy into this brand of coming together and they will join them. How many scientists, entrepreneurs, secular entertainers, artists, members of academia, politicians, teachers, and many more who profess the atheist faith will join this atheistic church movement regardless of the contradictions?  It’s hard to tell, but there will be the hard-core atheists who will oppose this movement even though they seem to be from the same camp.

I offer a word of caution to all professing Christians about this movement and the desire to ridicule them and their beliefs. The majority of them grew up in Christianity and left the church for different reasons with similar outcome. They are blaming God and/or institutionalized Christianity for something that happened to them.  Out of disappointment they decided to categorize Christianity as an obsolete belief system. We must stop and question if the Church is the one who has departed from God’s absolutes and full counsel. If so, then it is responsible for what is taking place in the world. If Christians are confused about their own beliefs what can be expected of an unbelieving world?

The world will not believe Christ is the only true answer for all of humanity’s problems until they witness Christendom truly representing God’s purpose and will on earth as it is in heaven.

From now on, the battle for the mind and heart of humanity is only going to intensify. We must pray without ceasing for Biblical Reformation. Christianity must embrace God’s absolutes in the here and now and become one in mind with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Nothing short of that awesome turnaround will be accepted by heaven and earth.

“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me,” John 17:20-21.
