Nena Arias | February 4, 2015
A rapid decline in moral values began in the United States of America at the beginning of the 20th Century. The slippery slope of decline accelerated especially after WW II (1939-1945).
A cry for “freedom” began to effervesce in the generation immediately following the Second World War. What was being called freedom in reality was propagating the breakdown of the traditional family, and promoting licentiousness and debauchery. The moral foundation that had guided our society up to that point was now being questioned and eroded. The censorship of television, movies and the arts from open sex, profanity and violence was softened and a breakdown of the culture began to take place fairly rapidly. Divorce, remarriage, and “free love”, which meant sex and babies out-of-wedlock, was now becoming more acceptable in society and took the place of the biblical standards that were the core of our culture. The proliferation of a music revolution known as rock-n-roll and the use of illegal drugs brought on many challenges especially to parenting and education. What was considered destructive and shameful behavior was now accepted as freedom of expression and society had to now be more “tolerant”.
What was known as a falsehood was now being called “truth”. What used to be a lie was now being accepted as truth.
With regard to pornography, much needs to be clarified. The perspective of this writer is to acknowledge that sex is part of who we are, but in our modern society, sexuality has overflowed and is out of control. We are now living in a culture that is too sexualized, even to the point of moral breakdown. Sexual debauchery has crept in everywhere. In todays society it is believed that “everything” should have sex appeal and eroticism to sell, because those are the things that cause strong emotion, if it doesn’t, it is not accepted. Some examples of this are in the promotion and advertising of fashion, automobiles, music, dance, the film industry, and magazines; even everyday products that we use such as toothpaste! The list is endless.
The truth is that human beings are sexual by design. At no time are we to impose or promote repression in this area or that it must be excluded, but it certainly must be handled according to the limits that the Creator set for it in order to avoid harm. Sex is like fire when used under the right conditions approved by God in marriage, it is very beneficial, but when it is handled irresponsibly and sexual cravings are allowed to go wild without restraint, it is very harmful and destroys the value and respect of the individuals that participate in it in this manner.
Regardless of what the advocates say and those who profit from it, pornography is harmful. Pornography contaminates everything it touches. It distorts the mind, emotions, values and behavior. In marriage, it brings third parties and strangers into the bedroom and the privacy that should be between two people of the opposite sex with serious and firm commitment to each other. Pornography creates dissatisfaction with the spouse who may not look like the porno star and can give birth to divorce. In the single person of any age, it awakens sexual desires, which will seek release by any means.
Here are some myths regarding pornography.
Myth # 1 – “Obscenity is about focus, it cannot be defined”
Fact: Obscenity has already been defined. The Supreme Court of the United States, in Millar vs. California set a filter of three aspects to determine obscenity:
•Any visual media, which is obsessed with sex and sexual violence.
• Material that is obviously offensive.
• Material whose content is questionable and lacks respect.
Under this definition, most of the cases that come before the courts plead guilty to the crime of obscenity or receive a guilty verdict for violating these laws.
Myth # 2 – “The First Amendment to the Constitution protects obscenity and pornography”
Fact: It does nothing of the kind. The Supreme Court in the case of Roth vs. United States, established that obscenity is “outside the protection of free speech and print.” The First Amendment does not protect defamation, perjury or false propaganda; it does not protect obscenity or pornography.
Myth # 3 – “Pornography does not harm anyone”
Fact: The incalculable damage is evident in addictions and compulsive behavior of those who are involved in pornography, especially men; it is clearly established that it plays a very active role in the spread and transmission of venereal diseases; it fashions twisted attitudes and wrong values; it is related to sexual violence, which can lead to murder.
An example of the harm pornography causes is the testimony of Mark Johns, a convicted rapist, who said the following, “There is not a day that I do not regret my involvement with pornography through which I eventually became an addict to the point of not being able to function as a normal adult. “
In 1985, the FBI interviewed 36 serial sex crime murderers. They found that 81% admitted that they were addicted to pornography.
The most notorious sex crimes criminal here in the U.S., Ted Bundy was convicted of 30 known cases of violent sexual rape and murder. The night before his execution, he gave a television interview with Dr. James Dobson. During the interview, Bundy made repeated references to the root that caused his behavior. He said it was pornography that embarked him on his crimes of sexual violence. He said his consumption of violent pornography “molded” his violent temper and had led him to violent behavior, which was “too terrible to describe.” He said that violence in the media; particularly “rough sex” awakens boys and sets them “on the way to be another Ted Bundy.” In the same interview, an hour away from his execution, Bundy said:
“You’re going to kill me, and that will protect society from me. But there are many more out there who are addicted to pornography, and nothing is being done about it.
Bundy’s confession was 30 years ago and the production of pornography has only increased, especially through the Internet. How do you think society is now with millions of porn sites that are so easily accessible on the Internet?
It is important to note that in the communities where they have closed sex and pornography shops, the crime of rape has declined in some cases up to 83%.
Myth # 4 – “You cannot legislate morality”
Fact: Every piece of legislation has a moral conviction. Laws prohibiting murder and theft are based on this behavior that is morally wrong and therefore harmful to the common good.
Myth # 5 – “If you do not like it, don’t buy it”
Fact: Times have changed even in the supermarket, while waiting to pay for your purchases, there is “soft” pornography that pollutes and corrupts with images within eye view of everyone; including the children. The person involved in pornography is not the only one being damaged. It also hurts the family and children.
Pornography as an Industry
Many no longer consider pornography a shameful behavior. It has become so acceptable that countless artists, celebrities, including housewives, are being photographed naked either for publications such as magazines or for personal use. It’s amazing how many college students are doing this to help pay for their studies, they allow themselves to be photographed nude or they are actually producing pornographic videos for money like a job.
Sellers of pornography in the 1970’s operated clandestinely from the trunks of their old and battered cars to sell their materials in alleys. Nowadays, there are large chains with similar buildings like “Toys-R-Us” or Wal-Mart type. These stores are supermarkets that are well lit with music to attract all kinds of people, not just single men. A high percentage of women also are already addicted to pornography and, therefore, also addicted to sex because of this practice. (According to Forbes Magazine, June 14, 1999).
Pornography as a Course in Universities
The publication Weekly Standard, of September 21, 1998, had an announcement informing that at several universities in New York, California and Connecticut “Courses of Pornography” were being offered. These “courses” even required students to produce their own pornographic projects.
What is the solution to this scourge on society? It’s like anything else that needs fixing, you have to push for laws to eradicate pornography and educate people on how harmful this practice is and that its damage will be reflected in several generations to come. Of course, we must encourage everyone to be more responsible for their behavior knowing that they and their loved ones will be hurt the most by their actions and they will be setting a damaging example and ultimately will be held accountable by their Creator.
In surveys conducted by Wirthlin Worldwide Polls, through the organization Morality in Media, in February 1998, found the following about and what U.S. citizens believe regarding pornography:
• 80% believe that federal laws against pornography must be enforced vigorously.
• Most men (66%) and women (69%) regardless of age, want the government to implement the rigor of the laws in existence.
• 59% of the people want to continue extending the prohibition to filter obscenity from 6 a.m. until midnight instead of only until 10p.m., like it is now.
• 59% want to pressure the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to monitor more effectively the laws controlling indecency.
Even the smallest light dispels darkness; let’s do our part.