The Return of the Virtuous Woman

Nena Arias | September 2, 2019

Before you turn me off because of the title of this editorial, hear me out and consider what I offer for your consideration.

We know that changes do come, and each generation brings noticeable changes some for good and some not so good. When it comes to culture it affects all of us. There are many things we could mention but for now I would like to address this very important topic.

The identity of women has taken a hard blow in the last 70 years since the decade of the 1950s, and every decade it only gets worse. There are always exceptions to the rule; I will be generalizing so we can get the big picture.

To be virtuous is to be morally excellent, upright, worthy, laudable, chaste, ethical, exemplary, and respectable among other great qualities. Read Proverbs 31:10-31 for more about a virtuous woman.

I begin with saying that, I am greatly concerned as I look out at our female population I see and hear many messages coming from their direction that saddens me. Women of all ages filled with radical feminist ideas and values that clearly denote a true identity crisis, seductively dressed, visibly tattooed, who can easily blurt out curse words and are too concerned if men will find them attractive. Many men pressure women to look like a Barbie doll and cross more boundaries. Women are told to see the career of the home as failure. They are led to believe motherhood is a backup plan and that being a team player with their husband in their womanly particular role is out of the question and despised as a burden rather than the miraculous privilege that it actually is. Women who prefer to be gentle in nature are seen as mousy and a pushover. Refinement over crudeness is wrongly judged.

Too many women always seem to be competing with the men not realizing the wonderful unique identity and design they have been given by their Creator. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27) Men need women like women need men. God said it is not good for man to be alone. (Genesis 2:18) Neither is independent of the other. Both men and women have played outstanding chapters in God’s story. No one can deny that women have had a key part in God’s plan to redeem the human race, as in Mary, the earthly mother of Jesus. 

Women are already equal in value to men. They don’t have to strive to prove their value as persons and they should not try to be like men. Women have been blessed with brilliant minds, strength and dignity. They are industrious, with business sense and very creatively productive. They have an unequal strength especially in childbearing and child raising. There is a lot of truth in the saying, ‘the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.’ You will agree, that is no small feat.

Women, according to God’s plan and purpose, ought to celebrate their unique design and mission in impacting the human race. Women who know and accept their true value given by God ought to be celebrated. The godly women are by no means pacifists or sideline observers in life. They are audacious and strong.

The beauty of godly femininity needs to come back and never be abandoned. God made women fearfully and wonderfully different than men but equal before the Lord. She too has a divine calling to fulfill. She risks all for the cause of Christ and follows him closely and brings glory to his name.

A virtuous woman, who can find?
