Trump: Shariah Law and Constitution Don’t Mix

Bob Kellogg | November 18, 2016

( – President-elect Donald Trump is about to send a message loud and clear that Islam’s “Shariah [law is] incompatible with [the United States] Constitution” as he prepares to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group.

“The Muslim Brotherhood’s days of influencing the United States government may be coming to an end, and those who are expert in the field of Islamist activism and the threat of terror are pleased,” WND reports. “President-elect Donald Trump is reportedly preparing to jumpstart a bill in Congress that would ban the Muslim Brotherhood by declaring it a terrorist organization.”

Trump’s foreign policy adviser, Walid Phares, is confident that Trump will follow through by calling a spade a spade and formally recognize the controversial group as a militant Islamic terrorist organization. He announced Trump’s plan to the Egyptian news outlet, Youm7, and explained that a bill exists in Congress to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group, but noted that the Obama administration has refused to pass the bill due to the president’s support of the Brotherhood – with whom he want to say on friendly terms.

It’s about time …

As a founding member of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Philip Haney is excited about a revitalized eagerness (by Trump) to bring the government agency back to what it was created to do.

“This is what the Department of Homeland Security was created for in the first place – to protect the American people from the threat of terrorism both foreign and domestic – so all he’s doing is following the policies of the original purpose of DHS,” Haney, who authored See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, told WND. “This is what we were actually supposed to do clear back in 2003, when the agency was formed.”

American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) President Pamela Geller, who wrote the book Stop the Islamization of America, also welcomed the news of Trump’s plans with open arms.

“It’s long overdue and much needed,” Geller insisted, according to WND. “We can only hope that it will stop Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into the U.S. government.”

Protecting Americans, not terrorists …

The bill to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group was introduced a year ago this month by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who was tired of the Obama administration skirting the issue and continuing to keep Americans in danger by defending jihadists.

“We have to stop pretending that the Brotherhood are not responsible for the terrorism they advocate and finance,” Cruz told the Washington Free Beacon in November 2015. “We have to see it for what it is: a key international organization dedicated to waging violent jihad.”

It is also maintained that the Islamic terrorist organization secretly works with other Muslim American groups to spread jihad across the U.S.

The bill examines the Muslim Brotherhood’s history of terrorism and shows how it is linked to three prominent American Muslim organizations: the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT),” WND’s Paul Bremmer informed. “The legislation was approved by the House Judiciary Committee earlier this year and referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which has not taken action on it.”

Trump will be joining Russia, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates to make the U.S. become the seventh nation to officially declare the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

By making the designation, Haney says the U.S. will be making a bold statement to militant Muslims worldwide who have taken advantage of America’s weakness and unwillingness to fight jihad head-on.

“It’ll send a signal to the entire Salafi, pro-Shariah, pro-jihad Islamic world that we’re serious again about protecting our borders, and that we will do it without firing a single shot or dropping a single bomb anywhere,” Haney stressed. “And that’s very significant. We talk about peace through strength and walking softly and carrying a big stick – well, this is a good example of it.”

Using Islam’s own mottos to prove his point, Haney shared the religion’s beliefs to show that the very tenets of Islam run contrary to religious liberty in America.

“Allah is our objective; the Quran is the Constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish,” Haney said, reciting popular Islamic chants.

Haney stressed that there are some things the American government must get straight if it does not want to succumb to Islamic terrorism.

“The Muslim Brotherhood has quite plainly stated what their intentions are, so we should simply take them at their word and by designating them as a terrorist organization, we’re saying that Shariah law is not compatible with the U.S. Constitution, and that might be the most important part,” he continued. 

Staying on course…

Even though some are wary that Trump will not hold to his plan to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group, Geller is confident that he will do all he can to eradicate the influence of Islamic militants from the government. 

“So far, he has stuck to his guns through a presidential campaign – during which he was subjected to vicious and relentless attacks for those positions,” Geller contended. “That gives me hope that he will follow through.”

Not quite as confident that Trump will stick to his resolve to declare the Brotherhood a terrorist organization, Haney is still cautiously optimistic.

“He thinks a terrorist designation of the Muslim Brotherhood could set the stage for a follow-up to the 2008 Holy Land Foundation trial, in which various charities and leaders affiliated with the Brotherhood were found to have been funding Hamas terrorists,” Haney asserted. “But he sees it as even more important than a second trial.”

The national security expert is adamant that such a designation is imperative if the U.S. is to take the reins and win the war on terror – and no longer take a vacation from the conflict, as it has done over the past eight years with the Obama administration.

“If you designate the Muslim Brotherhood organization, not only does it provide incentive for the Holy Land trial part two, but it also puts the people that are in the Muslim Brotherhood that are having any kind of influence in the U.S. government on notice that they will no longer be given access to positions of influence and authority within the social arena, political arena and law enforcement arena, which are the three areas they’ve been operating almost unhindered for the last eight years, if not longer,” Haney concluded.
