Nena Arias | July 12, 2021
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
(Proverbs 22:6)
I was sickened, saddened, and disgusted to read an article on The Blaze that posted a video of a boy grabbing an American flag from someone’s yard and throwing it to the ground while the mom watched, with no apparent pushback and then both continued on their bike/scooter ride as if nothing happened.
Can you imagine what is going on in that child’s world both at home and at school. The tragic part is that this is widespread all across this nation. Children of all ages are being taught to hate this country and every patriotic symbol of our nation.
The video went viral and has more than 2 million views. It has thousands of reactions of both outrage at the kid’s action as well as “praise” for the apparent mother’s indifference. Not only because it is our national flag but also because it is someone else’s property that he destroyed.

It is more than obvious, that our nation will not survive in the up-and-coming generations with such hatred of country being taught and blatant disrespect for private property.
Some of the comments exclaimed a sickening and horrified feeling especially at the mother for not handling the boy’s actions correctly. Or, was she just acting according to her worldview that she is passing on to the boy? When this kind of behavior spills over in public, you know venomous talk against our country is bound to be going on at home, and possibly reinforced at school and among their friends.
How can a country succeed if its citizens are being raised to hate it? If your heart doesn’t break to learn of actions like these going in plain view, then you must search your heart. We all need to cry out for the Lord to help us!
This attitude of hatred is not isolated. Some comments on the video praised the mother and son for their actions toward the American flag. Some said, “fantastic parenting.” Others said, “best mom I’ve ever seen.” Others with like minded twisted thinking said, “The proper way to raise your child.” And still others said, “That kid is going places…”
One woman said, “if my kid doesn’t desecrate at least 5 flags by the time they are 10 I will disown them.”
The Marxist organization Black Lives Matter wants you to believe that the America flag is a symbol of hatred and only flown by people who are racists. On Independence Day, the New York Times published an article that claimed the United States flag is divisive.
Our kids are being taught all this hatred in the public schools and universities paid for by our tax dollars. Do you think that at this pace the United States of America will survive in the not-too-distant future? At the speed that this poison is spreading, I tell you it won’t. We must do our level best to halt it in its tracks by teaching and upholding, by example, the respect our nation and those who have sacrificed and died for it deserve.
Truth and God’s blessings must be taught and passed on by parents to their offspring to have a prosperous future rather than calamity and destruction.
“For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.”
(Genesis 18:19)