To Invalidate the Word of God is to Destroy Culture
The reason the United States of America became such a different nation in the history of the world was the arrival of the children of the Reformation that came to this land with a vision
It is not enough to dream you wish you could change things all around you and change the world. As believers in Christ, we have been given the most powerful resource any human can ever dream of having. Human Exceptionalism can only be understood and found by comprehending that we are created beings in the image and likeness of God and we not masters of all we are and what we do. We have a divine mission to make a difference in this world.
The reason the United States of America became such a different nation in the history of the world was the arrival of the children of the Reformation that came to this land with a vision
Americans forget the ultimate price that was paid by those in the armed forces, that is, unless they had loved ones who were among those who sacrificed their lives. Wars are very expensive. Let us