Dupe, Dope or Liar? Oklahoma GOP Rep. Markwayne Mullin Explains CRomnibus Support

CHQ Staff | December 22, 2014

Oklahoma GOP Rep. Markwayne Mullin represents a conservative district in a conservative state, but that didn’t stop him from selling-out his constituents and voting for the hated “CRomnibus” spending bill. 

Of course Mullin’s support for the bill probably had nothing to do with his recent appointment by Speaker Boehner to a seat the coveted House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Those thirty pieces of silver aside, what is really most interesting about Markwayne’s support for the CRomnibus has been the contortions, most normal Americans refer to it as lying, in which he has been engaged since casting his vote.

Mullin was particularly emphatic that the bill does not do what its plain language says it does – fund President Obama’s unconstitutional attempt to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

In the aftermath of his betrayal of his conservative constituents Mullin made the standard argument in favor of selling out to the Washington special interests saying, “After my team and I combed through the entire bill, we determined it contained measures that were incredibly important to our nation.” And “I can tell you the positives far outweigh the negatives. As with every bill, I approached this vote from first a constitutional perspective.” And later, “This legislation in no way provides any funding to support the President’s unilateral action.”

But Mullin’s most boldfaced lie came in an interview on Pat Campbell Show on Tulsa, Oklahoma’s Radio KAFQ  1170 in which he explains that it’s deceptive to say the bill funded Obamacare — because Obamacare is funded just like Social Security and Medicare is (sic).

He goes on to say that the CRomnibus does not fund amnesty because the President hasn’t issued his executive orders yet. “Until you put it on pen and paper, there’s nothing to fund or defund.” Further, “One of the major provisions that he said was that he’s not going to deport. Well, not deporting someone — there’s no cost for that. There’s a cost when you ship them out, back to their country.”

(links to this nonsense from Mullin at the end of the article)

Apparently Congressman Mullin and his crack team of future Chamber of Commerce lobbyists missed pages 128 and 129 and page 909 of the Rules Committee version of the bill.

As anyone who read the bill would know, on pages 128 and 129 (Rules Committee version) the bill provides the Department of Justice (DOJ) funds for the “Administrative review and appeals (including transfer of funds) “For expenses necessary for the administration of pardon and clemency petitions and immigration-related activities, $351,072,000, of which $4,000,000 shall be derived by transfer from the Executive Office for Immigration Review fees deposited in the ‘Immigration Examinations Fee’ account.”

This directly provides $4 million to immediately process the paperwork necessary to implement amnesty for illegal aliens – and since it appropriates fees it also proves that House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers was just plain lying when he said that the House couldn’t do anything to stop amnesty since the money came from fee-based accounts. 

Not only that, but on page 909 the bill grants millions of dollars to the Obama administration to educate and process the amnesty applications of the thousands of “UACs” or unaccompanied minor children that have flooded into the U.S. since Obama’s amnesty plan became common knowledge on the streets of Central America.

This shameful betrayal America’s workers and their families comes in the language on page 909 “regarding UACs: English Language Acquisition” where the bill appropriates three quarters of a billion dollars to educate immigrant children and youth and gives $14 million in special grants to states with at least one county that received 50 or more unaccompanied minors from the tsunami of amnesty seekers that washed up on our southern border earlier this year.

So, yes Markwayne, there is a cost if you don’t deport illegal aliens, especially if they are children. 

After reading Rep. Markwayne Mullin’s lies about the CRomnibus you should also ask yourself if Obama and his establishment Republican allies like Mullin are spending that kind of money educating illegal aliens, will those illegal aliens ever be sent back to their home countries, or will they stay here to use their federally funded education to compete with you and your kids for jobs?

America’s workers and voters aren’t nearly as dumb as “Gruber Republicans” like Markwayne Mullin think they are.

We urge you to go to our article “Will You Fire The First Shot In The Battle To Govern America According To Conservative Principles?” copy the letter to the editor and send it to newspapers, especially in GOP Rep. Markwayne Mullin’s district. Show Mullin and other Republicans who voted for the “CRomnibus” that you are on to their lies and you won’t be “Grubered” by the Republican establishment. 

Here’s Markwayne’s interview with the Pat Campbell show, long but so outrageous it is worth listening to

Here’s Markwayne Mullin’s post vote release in which he claims to have read the bill he clearly knows nothing about.
