Onan Coca | October 23, 2017
(constitution.com) – Liberal, feminist (in the classic sense), college professor Camille Paglia is at it again, triggering America’s leftwing crybabies with her blunt honesty and her perceptive commentary about the ills in modern America.
In a recent conversation with conservative philosopher (and educator) Christina Hoff Sommers, Paglia reveals that many of our current problems on the college campus really began in public elementary and secondary schools.
“It’s really started at the level of public school education. I’ve been teaching now for 46 years as a classroom teacher, and I have felt the slow devolution of the quality of public school education in the classroom.”
Paglia argues that the vase majority of today’s college students have no sense of history, no sense of geography, and no understanding of how things work or why they are the way they are.
“What has happened is these young people now getting to college have no sense of history – of any kind! No sense of history. No world geography. No sense of the violence and the barbarities of history. So, they think that the whole world has always been like this, a kind of nice, comfortable world where you can go to the store and get orange juice and milk, and you can turn on the water and the hot water comes out. They have no sense whatever of the destruction, of the great civilizations that rose and fell, and so on – and how arrogant people get when they’re in a comfortable civilization. They now have been taught to look around them to see defects in America – which is the freest country in the history of the world – and to feel that somehow America is the source of all evil in the universe, and it’s because they’ve never been exposed to the actual evil of the history of humanity. They know nothing!”
This really explains, not just our current college crisis, but a much wider swath of problems that we face in our culture. From the NFL protests, to Antifa, to BlackLivesMatter, to the Democrats rage against religious values and traditional societal norms. These groups have no sense of history and instead of recognizing that our nation has miraculously developed into the freest and most welcoming society the world has ever known… all they see is negatives. They only see the problems we still face, and they focus all of their time and energy on these things, blinding themselves to the reality of the world around them.
It seems that Paglia has discovered something that God explained long ago, in Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge…”