Nena Arias | January 22, 2024
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”
(Jeremiah 1:5)
“My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all my days were written in Your book and ordained for me before one of them came to be.…”
(Psalm 139:15-16)
God’s teaching on the sacredness of life is very clear in his Word, the Bible. So, it is unbelievable that in spite of the fact that innocent life at all stages should be guarded, respected, and protected that instead it is being deliberately massacred in the mother’s womb is horrific beyond words.
In spite of the fact that Roe v. Wade has been reversed at the Supreme Court level after a long 50-year battle, the war is not over yet. I profusely commend and applaud all those that in extremely cold weather still marched for life in the annual event in Washington D.C. and many other parts of the nation. This battle for life is nowhere near over because thousands of innocent unborn children are still being massacred in their mother’s womb, which should be the safest place for any child.
Murdering your unborn child is still being called a fundamental right and choice according to countless thousands who distort The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to “justify” this horrendous ruling.
It is encouraging to see the thousands of young people and others of all ages at the nation’s capital for the March for Life. Those beautiful faces of young girls and men holding signs stating their position, “Stop Abortion Now,” “Defend Life,” “We Are the Pro-Life Generation,” “Life Counts,” “Personhood Now,” “Face it Abortion Kills a Person,” “Life What a Beautiful Choice,” “I am a voice for the voiceless,” “Thank God my mom’s pro-life,” “Democrats for Life,” “Defund Planned Parenthood,” “Pro-Life NY Rabbis,” “Pro-Life NY Jews,” and many more vote for life with their presence. There are signs in Spanish and in the Hebrew language. One of the most touching signs are when many women hold up signs stating “I Regret My Abortion.”
While there is a percentage of people who accept the legalization of abortion, the majority is still against it. Historically, Pro-Lifers are right, and the Pro-Aborts are wrong. There is always a high social price to pay for this aberrant choice where humans take it upon themselves to decide if other innocent and defenseless humans will live or die.
America legalized the mass murder of babies in the mother’s womb by choice in1973, it is reported by that, 65.4 million babies have been murdered at the time of the writing of this article, and that number increases by 3,000 abortions a day in the U.S. Since 1980, it is reported that worldwide, 1.6 billion have been slaughtered through abortion, and we are adding 145,000 per day to that number. Those of the “Black Lives Matter” movement should take notice and prove to themselves that their motto is for real and demonstrate indignation for the 19.6 million black babies that have been murdered through the choice of “abortion”, and that number keeps increasing by leaps and bounds.
As you can see we are failing miserably at being a nation under God’s government and have exported more darkness than light to the world because every child and every life is a gift from God.
How long before this massacre ends? Is it really that difficult to end this cursed national nightmare? In this country alone, there is much blood that stains our soil, from coast to coast and from border to border.
How many more marches and speeches are needed to put a stop to this barbaric millennial practice? How serious are the Pro-Life elected officials and Pro-Life organizations to truly end all this madness that cannot go unpunished indefinitely by the Real Supreme Judge of the Universe?
Having had the Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade, now requires immediately that each state legislature follow suit.
More importantly the Christian church leadership and Christians must mobilize nationwide to demand that each state Congress stop this holocaust. Let us keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of state representatives, senators and the electorate profess to be of the Christian faith. There no getting around it, God will hold us accountable. Let’s double up our efforts and continue to ask God to deliver us from this scourge.