An Opportunity to Share the Greatest Gift of All

Nena Arias | December 11, 2023

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
(John 3:16)

Every year during the Christmas holiday season most people have giving on their minds regardless of the traditions they may like to hold on to—giving is a part of most people’s celebration. And is it any wonder because that is what the celebration is all about in the in the first place—that God gave us the gift of life eternal through his precious Son Jesus Christ.

The above Bible verse of John 3:16 is the best-known verse in the entire Bible, but what does it really mean even to people who can even recite it by memory without much effort? If you were to follow up with a question and ask them what it means, you would get a variety of answers, including that there must be some misunderstanding because surely Jesus is not the only way to salvation, some affirm.

This clearly shows that many people who are familiar with this verse do not know God, the Father, or His Son whom He sent to the world. These people are all around us and so many of them even identify as Christians. They’ve heard about God, and they know some Bible verses. They may have even been church attenders all their lives. Every year at Christmastime, they like to decorate a tree and their homes with decoration of the season. These decorations may even include a nativity scene. They will even join in singing well-known Christmas carols such as “Joy to the World” or “Silent Night.” In other words, they can go through all the motions and not truly be aware in depth of what they are celebrating with all those traditions. The presence of God is not a reality in their daily lives. They do not really know the Savior who came to us as a baby in a manger or the joy of a personal relationship with Him. But don’t hold it against them.

What a great opportunity for each of us who have experienced the reality of the Savior to share the real reason for the season from our personal experience and what it all means to us. Let us look beyond the superficial and ask the Lord to help us truly see and show these people that Jesus can be known and experienced in a real relationship
and make him their Savior and Lord.

What an awesome opportunity! Don’t let it pass you by.
