Ramon Arias

Where Is That Child Now?

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.” (Isaiah 9:6-7)

Who are the Dumb, Stupid, Reckless, Dangerous, and Unconstitutional?

The main media, which is controlled by irrational ideologues, must hate the flow of information coming from conservative radio and TV talk shows, including the Internet. In the past, the liberal/progressive/Marxist/socialist/communist media had total control to manipulate at leisure the indoctrination of people and could dupe viewers. They still have a massive influence, thanks to the dumbing down of the mind in State-controlled schools where critical thinking has been supplanted by irrational thinking. Sadly, the highly impressionable minds of our children and young people have devoured these half-truths and outright lies.

We Can Learn From Every Tragedy

There is no doubt that the San Bernardino massacre was an act of terrorism. It was not a random act by a disgruntled employee who was offended by the Christmas party as we have heard from many in the media who were spinning the situation beyond any sane logic. Have you noticed the growing trends in America where Christians are the only ones blamed for just about everything?

Don’t Be Deceived, The Pilgrims Were Not Refugees

I hope you had a meaningful Thanksgiving celebration with your family and friends. Now we must continue to face the monumental challenges before us and never cease to work hard to steer America back to her biblical principles that guided her birth.

There is Only One Higher Authority

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who is considered a moderate, was a guest speaker at the Harvard School of Law, as reported by (LifeSiteNews), and he was asked by a student if “government officials who disagree with the Supreme Court’s decisions on gay marriage, or abortion, have the constitutional right to act according to their sincerely held moral beliefs.”

Rissa Arias

There are undeniable historical events that changed the course of humanity for better and for worse. One of those impacting events was the 16th century Reformation in Germany, which became known as the Protestant Reformation. This shift sparked the transformation not only in the meaning of true Christianity, but also in the cultural effect in Europe, and later the ripple effect impacted much of the western world.

Let Us Not Withdraw from the Challenges Before Us

Matters in America are getting outrageously worse all across the board and the message of doom and gloom is coming at us from every direction as if something unusual is taking place in the nation and the world. Has this happened before?

Christians Targeted in Oregon’s Mass Shooting

Do you still have any doubts that Christians are being targeted in America? Attacks against Christians have taken the ultimate turn for the worse when they are being killed for their faith; it is a worrisome day.

Christians Are Awakening

The increase of concerning events is confronting Christians and jolting their conscience into the realization that leaves no doubt about the war against Christianity. All across the nation, there are massive, medium and small calls to prayer to intercede before the Heavenly Father asking for forgiveness for our national sins and to restore his ways throughout the land.

A Christian in Prison for Her Faith in the USA

How many times have you heard, or even said, that jailing Christians for standing on their faith couldn’t happen here in the United States of America? Now that Kim Davis, Kentucky’s Rowan county clerk, is in jail without parole since last Thursday, we can no longer say, “it cannot happen in America.” September 3, 2015, is the day that we Christians officially lost our liberties in this country. One unelected judge, following in the footsteps of the five U.S. Supreme Court Justices, arbitrarily trashed the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and most importantly THE BIBLE upon which this Republic was founded.

Exploring the Truth About Birthright Citizenship

There’s no denying that presidential candidate Donald Trump is capturing the attention of Americans with the bold solutions that he is presenting to most of the problems that are afflicting the nation. His statement about deporting illegal immigrants, in spite of having children born in the U.S., has sparked positive and negative reactions; of course, the 14th Amendment is the focal point in both views. It is a heated topic that is gaining traction. By now, some of the other presidential candidates are siding with Trump.

The Root Problem of Our Economy and Social Disease

The American experiment developed by the Founding Fathers of a limited federal government, with a constitutional mandate, and a clear separation of powers with co-equal branches of government, is not going as well as expected. The question must be asked. Do we have the willingness and fortitude to turn things around and move towards an in-depth transformation before a total collapse? We certainly do not mean the fundamental transformation proclaimed by Obama and his presidential and federal oligarchic predecessors.

Their Shed Blood Cries Out for Justice

The blood of close to 60 million slaughtered babies in the mother’s womb cries out for justice. If justice doesn’t come by society stopping this blood-curdling practice of barbarism, history is very clear that this nation will pay dearly for their approval of it.