Nena Arias

Spoiling the Millennial Generation

When children have been given everything but have not been taught the value of things or been taught how to earn them, it is common behavior for them to be unappreciative of what they do have and not think twice of demanding even more. Such is the behavior of some millennials. Anyone born between 1981 and 1996—ages 23 to 38 in 2019—is considered a Millennial.

Independence Day in the USA

Independence Day is celebrated on July 4 and is often known as “the Fourth of July.” It is the anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain in 1776. Fifty-six brave gentlemen who believed in the founding of this new nation signed this historic document and declared themselves and the 13 colonies free from the oppressive English crown.

Día de la independencia en los Estados Unidos

El Día de la Independencia se celebra el 4 de julio y a menudo se lo conoce como “el cuatro de julio”. Es el aniversario de la publicación de la Declaración de Independencia de Gran Bretaña en 1776. Cincuenta y seis valientes caballeros que creyeron en la fundación de esta nueva nación firmaron este documento histórico y se declararon a sí mismos y a las 13 colonias libres de la opresiva corona inglesa.

Is Your College Investment Worth It?

We have always been told that the aim for every child should be to get a good education and make every effort to get a college degree. All who do and have accomplished it have been made to believe that they have arrived at the pinnacle of life and that from then on all will be smooth sailing for them. A long time ago, that accomplishment had some truth to it. But it has been a long time that things have been changing here in America since education has been sold to the highest bidder.

America Can’t Handle the Truth Anymore

The believers in Christ who are committed to him are feeling the impact of the battles that are raging against God’s truth in America and our spirit is greatly alerted. The battle for truth is in full force. We are literally seeing coming to pass what the prophet Isaiah mentions in the scripture above. Evil is not only being called good, but it is being forced upon us whether we like it or not. What we knew as darkness is now what many are calling light or the new light. This is causing many to grow frustrated in the fight to move our beloved country back to God and his principles. But we must not be weary in well-doing for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9).

The Vital Role of a Father

God certainly knew what he was doing when he established the order of family and procreation with male and female components within the bounds of marriage but also what each contributes to the proper formation and upbringing of their children. This is why it is sad that in today’s culture little value is placed on the role of fathers. The evidence of demeaning the valuable influence of fathers to shape their children is everywhere, not only in pop culture but in media and even in government policy.

A Call to Prayer for Our President

We are instructed in the Scriptures to pray for all those in Authority, but how do we do that, exactly? To the human understanding prayer is an illogical phenomenon. How can we be pronouncing words here on earth and they are heard in heaven by God? It boggles the mind, but it is a reality that through prayers of faith we can ask God’s Divine intervention on many things and he intervenes.

Happy Memorial Day!

On Memorial Day, we honor all those who died serving our country. It is a national day of remembrance, reflection and reverence as we consider the high price so many have paid and are paying for our freedoms. We should never take this lightly or for granted and always remember that we can do no less for future generations. Having visited military cemeteries such as Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington VA and the fields of countless crosses in Normandy Beach, France I can assure you it’s like stepping on hallowed ground. So, when we say we make remembrance, reflect and reverence those who paid the ultimate price is no exaggeration.

The Purpose of an Oath

An oath is a solemn promise about your behavior or your actions. Most of the time, when you take an oath, the promise invokes a divine being. For example, you might swear to God that something is true or swear on the Bible that something is true. By this act you are saying that God can and will hold you accountable if you do not fulfill your obligation.

“Equality Act” is Deceptive Beyond Measure

Newsmax reported that Vice President Mike Pence, speaking at Liberty University’s commencement Saturday, warned that disparaging faith has become “acceptable and even fashionable” in America, and cautioned the newly minted graduates to “be ready.” Prepare for Persecution! Pence declared: “America needs men and women of faith and integrity now more than ever. We live in a time when it’s become acceptable and even fashionable to ridicule and discriminate against people of faith,” he added.
Pence and his wife Karen have received growing criticism in the media in recent months for their biblically based views. Including direct attacks by openly homosexual presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg from Indiana, who used to be his friend.

Rissa Arias

“The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Is the Hand That Rules the World” is a poem by William Ross Wallace that praises motherhood as the preeminent force for change in the world. The poem was first published in 1865 under the title “What Rules the World”.

A college student was asked about the difference between a house and a home. The response was, “A civil engineer makes a house. Your mom makes it a home!”

Inevitable Change

The message of change is incessant these days, especially around election season. Have you ever noticed some repetitive clichés that fly around like, “the soul of our nation is at stake.” The politicians in each party tout change, but what kind of change is necessary, and what is this change based on? When they talk about the soul of the nation, it seems that soul has been corrupted and strayed very far from the foundational beliefs that this nation was built on. It is the citizenry that must be vigilant and wise in the political, social, economic, moral and cultural landscape so that it will never change for the worse, not when a society has a powerful foundation worth protecting.

After the Resurrection…Now What?

Many of us have heard the biblical stories of Easter in some form or another in church or on television and we have celebrated it in some form down through the years. But what does it all really mean to each one of us? Do we then go about living our lives as if the resurrection of Jesus means nothing? The biggest mistake we can make is to just go about our normal lives not factoring in the dimension Jesus opened up for us and missing out on the impact of Christ on all of life. When that happens, we are not living but just merely existing.